Tuesday, September 22, 2009

My Little Angels

Natalee Brooke at the hospital

Madilyn Grace holding Natalee Brooke

Madilyn Grace feeding baby sister for the first time.

Natalee Brooke sleeping soundly!

Getting ready to watch Alabama football!!

Monday, September 21, 2009

Rain Rain Go Away

For the last several days it has done nothing but rain. I mean all day and all night it has been raining. The good thing about the rain is that we get to spend quality family time together like playing, watching movies, playing some more, and doing our daily Bible reading. The bad thing is that we can't go outside and play, which is something Madilyn Grace likes to do. I mean, we could go outside in the rain if mommy wasn't so worried about getting wet and tracking all of the water in the house. Maybe I just need to relax some and just take my daughter outside in the rain. I'll think about it! Thank you God for the rain, but please bring us some sunshine soon.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Falling In Love With My 7 Day Old Daughter

Every minute that passes, I find myself falling more and more in love with my little angel. We could not have asked for a better baby. I'm probably just jinxing myself by saying this, but she doesn't cry/fuss very much at all, she eats every 3 1/2 to 4 hours, and she sleeps good, too. Madilyn Grace was just the opposite. Maybe Natalee Brooke is going to be more laid back, like her mommy. Anyway, I am counting my blessings each and every day. Big sister is in love with her, too. That is something that I worried about for months and so far my prayers have been answered. Thank you Lord for all of your blessings on my family.

Psalm 100:4  Enter His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise; give 
thanks to Him and praise His name.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Natalee Brooke is Here

At 2:30 AM Wednesday morning, 9/9/09, my water broke. I knew what time it was so I started getting ready for the hospital. I decided that I should let Bill know so he could start getting ready, too. Within 30 minutes I started having contractions about 7 minutes apart, so I knew we had to start moving a little faster. We finally got everything loaded up and made a few phone calls on the way to the hospital so our out-of-town family could be there for our special delivery from God.

We arrived at the hospital around 3:45. The doctor on-call was not there yet and my contractions were getting closer and closer. I was in PAIN. I did not have to go through this with Madilyn Grace so I didn't want to feel anything this time either. Unfortunately, I had to feel EVERYTHING because the anesthesiologists could not give me anything until the on-call doctor showed up. She arrived, but was LATE!! By then I had already dilated 10 cm and was ready to push. However, I was supposed to be having a C-section because MG got stuck in my pelvis. Well, I had already done most of the hard work, except for the pushing this time. When I FINALLY got the epidural, the doctor wanted me to try to push since I had already gone that far, and I did. Nothing happened. So after about 5 minutes, they started to prep me for my C-section. I will NEVER forget what I had to endure while I was waiting on the on-call doctor to arrive. I don't know how some women did it without medicine. My hubby and daughter had to watch me go through that horrible pain. Before I left to go back to the OR Madilyn Grace said "Mommy you don't hurt anymore?" and then she kissed me. She was right, I was NOT hurting anymore. I don't think I will complain about hurting again after that.

Well, at 6:23 AM Natalee Brooke came into this world. When they cleaned her up I got to look into her eyes for the very first time. Babies are such a beautiful gift from God! In my eyes she was perfect. I thanked God for such a wonderful gift. Bill and I had nothing to do with it, it was all in God's hands.

I am so blessed to have such a wonderful little family. I have a wonderful Godly husband who loves us dearly and leads us down the right path when we sometimes stray. My two daughters are beautiful in my eyes and healthy. Teaching them how to be Godly women and how to make the right choices in life is going to be a challenge, but one that Bill and I are willing to take. I know we are just beginning, but this is something that I pray everyday for my daughters. There is no better time to start leading them in the right direction than right now.

As for me and my house we will serve the Lord. Joshua 24:15

Friday, September 4, 2009

Can't Wait to Meet Our Little Angel

I'm almost 37 weeks now, in 3 days, and still no Natalee Brooke. I am very anxious to meet her. Madilyn Grace came 3 weeks early and I had NO pain at all, so I just assumed that this one would come the same way and at the same time. Unfortunately, this pregnancy has been very different. I've been sick a lot earlier in the pregnancy and it lasted a lot longer. I've had Braxton Hicks now for almost 4 weeks and now REAL contractions lasting about 15 minutes a part, but thankfully not every day. Wow! How different this time around has been. So why should she come at the same time MG did? This time I'm probably going to make it until my planned C-section date. Oh well, she will come when she's ready. I just can't wait to look her in the eyes for the very first time. What a feeling that will be?

Madilyn Grace is ready, too. She gets excited every time I get a gift for Natalee Brooke. I let her open the gifts and she just says, no matter what it is, "Oh how cute!!." She also likes to help me wash the new clothes and she already knows how to put them in Natalee Brooke's drawers. She insists. I can't turn that down. She's going to be a wonderful BIG sister when it comes to helping take care of her. I just hope she continues when it is time to start sharing her toys. We'll just have to see.

Patiently waiting our new angel's arrival. Pray for us during these last few weeks. We are about to experience a BIG change around our house.