Saturday, August 15, 2009

We Had a Great Saturday

Believe it or not, I got much needed rest last night so I was able to get up this morning and clean my house. Then some friends from back home came up and spent most of the day with us. It was so wonderful having them come and visit with us. Madilyn Grace played good with their boys and we were actually able to talk and catch up on things. We cooked out, talked, and then went outside for some family pictures that I have been dying to get made. Kristi did a great job taking our pictures.

Later on in the evening, we had a birthday party to go to. Madilyn Grace had fun there, too. I just wish she wouldn't be so needy of her parents and just play with the other kids. If daddy wasn't with her, I had to be. I know, one day I will miss that so why am I wishing something like that. Other than the heat, we all had a great day.

Now she is sleeping, I am catching up on blogging and FB, and then I will head to bed for some more needed rest to start another busy day tomorrow.


DeeDee said...

Love the pics... especially of MG kissing the baby :)
Precious - so precious!

Tricia said...

Such wonderful pictures! I know you will treasure them! Praying for you as the day gets closer!

Krista said...

Love the pictures! Glad you were able to figure out how to link your blog!!! I love the background on your cute!

Meredith said...

Love those pictures and I'm glad you had a good time with sweet fellowship!