Monday, July 13, 2009

Words Are Life or Death

I was shopping in Wal-Mart today when I heard someone around me talking on the phone about someone else in a very negative way. My heart broke for that other person because they were not even around to defend themselves. I immediately thought about my 5th graders that I teach. Sometimes, well most of the time, they talk negative about each other. Usually it's when the other people are not around to hear what they have to say.

The words we speak out into the world are important because satan can hear what we say. We need to stop speaking negative about ourselves and others. Satan hears the pessimistic words that we speak and can use that against us. For example, if we say how ugly we are satan hears it, and he can use that to start putting more negative thoughts into our minds. I believe the more optimistic we are with our words the more positive things will start happening in our lives. (Proverbs 18:21) Death and life are in the power of the tounge: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof.

Still Growing in Christ,


Tricia said...

Amen! Our words definitely have power... my boys are memorizing Psalm 19:14 this summer because sometimes they have a bit of a problem with their words...

"May the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be pleasing to you, O God, my Rock and my Redeemer."


DeeDee said...

You are soooooooo right....
thanks for sharing...